I seem to travel quite a bit, and therefore believe that it is entirely normal to have had some cock-ups, some of which verge on catastrophe. I’m now accumulating quite an impressive list.
1. Missing a flight by one week; made worse by the three hours sleep I had managed the night before, the huge amount of mojitos consumed the night before, and the fact that it turned into a bit of a race to get back to Switzerland before my parents arrived in Switzerland. Did manage it, about £100 later (quite a bargain considering), and no tears, although it was very nearly a heart attack as the consequent rush left me with no time to eat or drink.
2. Booking the flights the wrong way round. Only realising when checking in online. Rebooking expensively.
(Interestingly both the first points happened with Easyjet flights; perhaps a sign that one should not travel with them ever!)
3. Having to spend an entire night in a café to avoid paying for an hours cab ride in the middle of the night having missed the last train. Coincidentally, the café that I stayed in with a friend is a bit of a cultural wonder, the Lillois equivalent of Café Flore; where the profs from the city’s universities gather at 6 in the morning to eat onion soup. Didn’t quite believe that story until I saw it, through sleep-deprived eyes.
4. Taking a chocolate cock through security. To be fair, I think that the security guard was a little more embarrassed than I was when she made the discovery. I found the whole affair ridiculously hilarious.
5. Asking my French host family to pass me the condoms at breakfast, having guessed (incorrectly, I soon found out) the word for ‘jam.’ I had thought that it would be similar to one of the English words for jam, chose preserve, Frenched it up a bit and then got it well and truly wrong.
6. Been chased down the street by a drunk tramp in Verona. Not just any drunk tramp, but a drunk tramp shouting ‘Pikatchu, pikatchu, pikatchu’
7. Getting food poisoning and sunstroke in Hungary and making the mistake of telling the particularly unhelpful doctor that I could not swallow tablets. “Then I stick it in your arse” (Hungarians are generally not so good at English). I sat out the food poisoning and the sun stroke.
8. Falling off a horse in a French orchard, rolling under a bush in an attempt to avoid being further injured (I broke my rib), and then being collected in a very shoddy Fiat Panda; which I am convinced injured me further.
9. Losing the dog of the family for whom I was au-pairing, chasing it round the streets in an attempt to catch it before it got squashed by a speeding, shaky and battered Italian car. And calling said dog in German, because the dog was never spoken to in Italian (something to do with the S sounds in German which dogs can hear better, which must mean that all Italian dogs are quite confused.).
7 years ago